Levitt Communities
since 1929...
Arizona :: California :: Florida :: Georgia :: Illinois
Kentucky :: Maryland :: Michigan :: Nevada
New Hampshire :: New Jersey :: New York
Oregon :: Pennsylvania :: Virginia :: Washington
Puerto Rico :: Canada :: France :: Germany :: Spain
The list at left is by no means all-inclusive. It is intended to be as extensive as it possibly can be with whatever information we have at hand through our own research, or information that has been graciously provided by others who are interested in tracing the history of one of America's most successful homebuilders while under the leadership of William Levitt. It includes only limited information on communities after ITT sold Levitt and Sons to Starrett Housing Corp. in 1979, and is not intended to profile any current or past communities by today's Levitt and Sons, LLC. See below for a discussion on the Levitt Companies as cited in the communities list.
If you know of any other Levitt communities, then please contact LevittownBeyond and they will be posted here. Dates have been included where possible, which should be accurate to within one year based on advertisements or dated brochures if the actual dates were not available. These dates are intended to reflect the year that community was opened to the public for sales and the year that construction was completed and final occupancy taken.
Many of the Levitt communities, such as Levittown-Willingboro, Belair, Strathmore at Matawan, and Winslow Crossing were larger, planned communities that were further subdivided into residential parks that were named. Therefore, many communities were advertised by section rather than by the overall community name. Thus, you would see ads for Somerset Park at Levittown, Country Club Ridge at Willingboro, Garfield Park North at Willingboro, Pointer Ridge Park at Belair Village, or Eden Hollow at Winslow Crossing. Some of the neighborhoods are detailed on this page only where the neighborhood of the larger community was advertised and marketed separately. Most of the individual sections of larger communities are detailed on the respective page for the overall community.
Expansion of the Levittown Community: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey.
Source: House & Home, 1958.
Levitt Companies
The communities list at left shows many projects built under different company names. They all began with Levitt and Sons, Inc., the company that Abraham Levitt established in 1929, and sons William and Alfred made a success with innovative home designs construction methods. William assumed full control of the company in 1954 and later sold the company to ITT in 1968. William continued to run the company while under ITT ownership until 1972. ITT then sold the Levitt subsidiary to Starrett in 1979. In the meanwhile, William Levitt established his own companies to continue homebuilding projects in the United States and abroad. This is the condensed version of the history of the Levitt companies. The details of the transfer of the companies--and there are many--can be seen in the Timeline on the Levitt and Sons page. Below is a summary of the many Levitt companies showing ownership.
Levitt and Sons, Inc.
Established 1929 by Abraham Levitt.
Corporation registered in New York.
Headquaters: Northern Boulevard, Manhasset, N.Y. (later, Route U.S. 130, Levittown, N.J. and Lakeville Road, Lake Success, N.Y.)
Began trading publicly in 1960 on the American Stock Exchange.
Levitt and Sons of Puerto Rico, Inc. (established 1963)
Levitt and Sons of Florida, Inc. (established 1963)
Levitt and Sons of France, Inc. (established 1963)
Levitt-France, S.A. (formerly Levitt and Sons of France, Inc.; renamed 1965)
Levittmark, Inc. (established 1965)
ITT-Levitt, Inc.
Established by ITT in 1968.
Company purchased from Levitt and Sons, Inc. in 1968 and renamed.
William J. Levitt, President.
Levitt and Sons, Inc.
Formerly ITT-Levitt, Inc.; renamed in 1968.
Corporation registered in Delaware.
William J. Levitt President through 1972.
Communities in the side panel constructed by Levitt and Sons, Inc. as a subsidiary of ITT through late 1972 are listed as "Levitt and Sons, Inc. (Delaware)"
Communities constructed by Levitt and Sons, Inc. under ITT after William Levitt sold his interest in the ITT subsidiary in 1972 are listed as "Levitt Residential Communities, Inc.," and were so marketed under the abbreviated logo of "Levitt."
Other subsidiaries, such as Levitt and Sons of California, Inc. and Levitt-West, Inc. continued to be marketed under those names, and are so referenced in the side panel.
Levitt Residential Communities, Inc.
Strathmore Advertising Agency (established January 1969)
United Homes Corp. (purchased 1969, sold to Nu-West Pacific 1976)
Rembold United Homes Corp. (Oregon division of United Homes Corp.)
Levitt and Sons Realty Corp. (established Nov. 1969, headquarters: Route U.S. 130, Willingboro, N.J.)
ITT Levitt Development Corp. (established 1970)
Levitt Housing Systems Corp. (established 1970)
Levitt Multihousing Corp. (established 1970, headquarters: 510 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, N.Y.)
Levitt Technology Corp. (established 1970)
Levitt-Bosch Aymerich, S.A. (established 1971)
Levitt Building Systems, Inc. (formerly Levitt Housing Systems Corp., renamed 1971, headquarters: 10250 F Drive North, Battle Creek, Mich.)
Levitt Mobile Systems, Inc. (established May 1971, headquarters: 10800 Kalama River Road, Fountain Valley, Cal.)
Levitt Canada, Ltd. (established 1972)
Levitt and Sons of California, Inc. (established 1972)
Levitt-West, Inc. (established 1972)
Levitt Construction Systems, Inc. (formerly Levitt Mobile Systems, Inc.; renamed 1972)
Levitt Commercial Corp. (established 1973)
Levitt Property Management Corp. (established 1973)
Levitt and Sons of New England, Inc. (established 1973)
Levitt Corporation
Established by Trustee under Federal divestiture order in 1976.
Purchased by Starrett Housing Corp. in 1978.
Purchased by BankAtlantic Corp. in 1999.
Levitt Homes, Inc. (established 1978)
Levitt Sales Corp. (established 1978)
Hampshire Homes, Ltd. (established 1987)
Woodmere Homes, Inc.
Levitt Industries, Inc.
Established 1976 by William J. Levitt.
International Construction Corp. (established 1976)
International Community Corp. (established 1978)
LSI United Corp.
Formerly Levitt and Sons, Inc.; renamed in 1977.
Holding company for ITT's retained assets after divestiture through Levitt Corp.
Capital Communities Corporation
Established 1984 as joint venture between William J. Levitt and Old Court Savings and Loan Association.
William J. Levitt, Chairman.
Levitt Corporation
Established 2003 as independent entity from BankAtlantic Corp.
Corportaion registered in Florida.
Began trading publicly in 2004 on the New York Stock Exchange (LEV).
Name changed to Woodbridge Holdings Corp. May 27, 2008.
Levitt and Sons, LLC (established 2004)
Core Communities
Bowden Homes
Levitt Commercial
Bluegreen Corporation
Levitt-Bosch Aymerich, S. A.
Formerly Levitt and Sons, Inc. (ITT) subsidiary.
Corporation registered in Spain.
D. Jose Maria Bosch Aymerich, President.
Levitt Homes Corp.
Formerly Puerto Rico division of Levitt Corp. (Starrett) subsidiary.
Corporation registered in Puerto Rico.
Rafael Torrens, President.
Woodbridge Holdings Corporation
Formerly Levitt Corporation; renamed May 27, 2008.
Corportaion registered in Florida.
Trades on New York Stock Exchange under symbol WDG.
Name changed to Woodbridge Holdings Corp. May 27, 2008.
Core Communities
Cypress Creek Capital
Snapper Creek Equity Management
Bluegreen Corporation
Page last revised 19 October 2012.